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Browse Resource - Opening the School Gate

Opening the School Gate is a resource rather than a course. This means that, unlike the courses, it is not tutored or supervised by someone, there are no requirements to be met and there is no certificate of completion.

It is designed to provide teachers and other school staff with a range of practical strategies to assist in the process of engaging migrant and refugee families and creating a culturally inclusive school environment.

Many schools will already have developed strategies to engage migrant and refugee parents/carers, in which case this resource may offer additional ideas and suggestions. Schools where recently arrived or refugee families are entering or where the engagement of parents has been difficult in the past, may find it useful to work through the resource following the processes outlined.

Most schools will find that Opening the School Gate is best used as a resource to support them in areas they are not sure about or haven’t really thought about before. The resource is designed to be used by schools to meet their particular needs and is not intended to be prescriptive.

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