Improving learner outcomes

Frequently asked questions

Tablet and phone on a table with a silhoette of a figure and some text saying Ask Madge.


Curious about Madge, your friendly and knowledgeable virtual assistant?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive and their answers, all gathered in one place:

Who is Madge?

Madge is the new virtual assistant from OLT. As a virtual assistant, Madge can assist participants to further understand and navigate their way through the course material. Madge offers a variety of features that will be expanded over time, including forum interactions and quizzes on every course page. Licensed organisations and tutors will be free to enable/disable each individual feature as they see fit.

How does Madge work?

It’s simple, ask Madge a question and she will respond as helpfully as possible based on the course and course page you are viewing. It's important to note that whilst Madge is based on an advanced language model, her role is that of a virtual assistant for our courses and as such her responses are limited to the scope of the course being studied and topics within it.

Can I ask Madge anything?

As your virtual assistant, Madge’s role is to support you with queries or offer clarification on any OLT course or topic in which you are enrolled. Madge is not able to help you with topics outside the scope of your course. This is because Madge is powered by an advanced language model and therefore, responses will be limited to the scope of your selected course. However, you could always try asking her a joke or two.

Where do I find Madge?

Simply login on to your course and click on ‘Ask Madge’ at the bottom of the screen to open the chat function and ask her a question.

Arrow points to where Madge can be found at the bottom of the page

Will Madge be replacing the role of the tutors?

No, Madge’s purpose is not to replace the role of tutors but to provide additional support and guidance to users, complementing the work of your wonderful tutor. If you need more individualised assistance beyond what the course page provides, you may wish to seek additional support from your tutor, your local Lead person/ team or send a support ticket to the OLT team!

Can Madge be turned off off?

Yes, local leads can turn off Madge’s related features via their organisation setting page. Tutors can turn off Madge related features for their cohort(s) via the individual cohort home page.

How secure is Madge?

Madge is never provided with any personal data. She receives only the information you provide plus our course content. At OLT we take the security and privacy of our course participants very seriously and have implemented various measures to ensure that all user data is secured and protected.

Let us know what you think!

Have some feedback to share about Madge? Why not let us know by selecting ‘Ask Madge’ and clicking on the ‘Give feedback’ option. We’d love to hear what you think.

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