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Improving student outcomes

Courses for Brisbane Catholic Education

Brisbane Catholic Education provides high quality education in the Catholic tradition in over 140 Primary, Secondary and P-12 schools across the Brisbane Archdiocese.

Our schools cater for students who have a diverse range of personal characteristics, experiences and abilities. We are committed to supporting students with disability to participate fully in all aspects of school life through the provision of accessible learning experiences, assessment, and facilities.

The professional learning modules support P-12 staff as they engage with families, students and other personnel to recognise, understand and respond to the needs of diverse learners.

Who can I contact?

Name Email Role Org
David McCartney BCEO staff BRISBANE
Paula Robinson BCEO staff BRISBANE
Dionne Lloyd Lead Education Advisor Inclusive Education and Student Wellbeing
Lynece Cavanough Lead Education Advisor Inclusive Education

What courses are available?

Short courses

Parent courses

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