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9th Feb 2021

Hello ARCO students and tutors!

My name is Katie Cherrington and I am the new Anti-Racism Education Advisor. I am originally from Aotearoa/New Zealand, but have been in Australia for about 18 years now, currently living and working on Awabakal land. I am incredibly excited to work with all of you to champion anti-racism education in schools across NSW!

While you are waiting for your course to start, the Anti-Racism Policy implementation guidelines are worth having a look through, as they have information about the ARCO role itself. Please feel free to join and participate in the Anti-Racism Yammer community – this is a great place to ask questions, share resources and inform others about upcoming events. For information and resources on anti-prejudice and anti-racism education, see the Department’s anti-racism education web pages and the Racism. No Way! website. 

My contact details are below if you ever want to get in touch,


02 7814 3394 | 0436 847 738 |

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