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Improving student outcomes

Personalised Learning
Supported learning for teaching professionals
Flexible self-paced learning
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About personalised learning

In any group of students there will be a range of diverse learning needs. Personalising learning for all students, including those with disability and additional learning needs, should take into these individual differences. Personalised learning and support to meet these diverse needs should be reflected in the quality of the learning experience that is offered to each individual student.

This training has given me better skills in formulating smart goals and strategies, so students can achieve syllabus outcomes.

Primary Teacher

Designed for professionals

It has given myself and my colleagues a blue print for a Learning Support Team. I wish all the staff completed this course as it really made you think about your goal setting and interventions.

Literacy Teacher

Course outline

All students are entitled to quality education. Personalising learning enables equitable access to and participation in the curriculum for all students.

  • personalised learning and support for students with disability
  • a collaborative, whole-school approach and supportive learning environments that provide rigorous, relevant and engaging learning experiences to improve outcomes for all students
  • assessment of individual student need
  • targeted teaching and learning activities and adjustments to meet identified student need
  • the development of SMART goals and targeted interventions
  • your responsibilities under the Disability Standards for Education 2005.

This course is divided into sections.

  • Introduction
    • The introductory section sets out to define what we mean by personalised learning, particularly in the context of diversity in our schools and our attitudes towards it. This section explores our legal and professional responsibilities to students with disability.
  • Assessment
    • why teachers need to assess
    • what is meant by assessment
    • the types of assessment and how to adjust assessment tasks
    • how to communicate student progress to parents and carers
  • Planning and Programming
    • how to use a whole school approach to plan personalised learning and support at a school, classroom and individual student level
    • strategies for working in collaborative partnerships within the school community
    • the role of the school’s learning and support team in planning and programming for students with additional learning and support needs
    • the planning process for personalised learning and support using different planning frameworks and scenarios
  • Classroom practice
    • build on the knowledge gained from the planning and programming section about using assessment data to identify and then plan for the specific needs of students with disability and additional learning needs
    • describe the role of explicit and systematic teaching in the delivery of quality learning experiences for these students
    • outline a range of evidence-based teaching strategies and adjustments able to be used for meeting the diverse learning needs of students
    • present practical, planned adjustments for a range of students across several stages of schooling

Providing professional learning in disability and inclusion since 2008

It provided step by step approach to helping identify student needs, plan lessons, implement adjustments so that all students can access educational outcomes.


Who is the course for?

This course is for teachers working with students in primary and high school settings. The course assists teachers to develop a personalised approach to teaching and learning, using adjustments designed to meet students’ needs. The course is set within the supportive context of a whole school approach and includes practical strategies, resources and materials that are relevant for subject specialist staff in high schools and primary schools and for support teachers.
Over 179,000 participants worldwide

Why join the course?

Participants’ pre and post-course evaluations demonstrate significantly increased confidence in identifying, assessing and supporting learners with personalised learning needs.

How would you rate your current skills in assessing the needs of students with this additional learning need?

  • Not confident
  • Somewhat confident
  • Fairly confident
  • Very confident


Pre chart
  • 7.7%
  • 67.1%
  • 24.6%
  • 0.5%


Post chart
  • 0.5%
  • 51.7%
  • 47.8%

As of December 2019

This course looks at the importance of personalising learning to meet the diverse needs of individual students, including those with disability and additional learning needs, and provides a range of evidence-based strategies to meet these needs.

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Created by experts

What you will learn

You will be able to understand:

  • what is meant by personalised learning
  • the diversity that exists in Australian schools
  • the legal and professional responsibilities of schools relating to diversity
  • how whole school approaches can support personalised learning
  • how to use a range of assessments and adjust assessment tasks for students explain why teachers need to assess
  • how to communicate student achievement to parents and carers
  • the role of assessment in the teaching and learning cycle
  • how collaborative planning works at a whole school, classroom and individual level
  • the importance of learning and support teams in planning and programming for students
  • how to be effective in working collaborative within your school community
  • how to use planning frameworks for developing programs at a whole school, classroom and individual level
  • the role of explicit and systematic instruction in effective teaching
  • of the range of adjustments for meeting diverse learning needs
  • how to use and evaluate a wide range of effective teaching strategies through the use of SMART goals

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