Improving learner outcomes


The following testimonials are a selection of comments provided when participants complete their post-course evaluation, and evaluate the success of their goals 90 days after passing their course.

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The resources are brilliant and the teaching strategies are articulated so well!!

Primary teacher
Personalised Learning

I have always been a fairly confident teacher but this course has really made me re visit the things that I do as a teaching professional and how I view behaviour and consequences. This has given me a renewed confidence in dealing with behaviour challenged students.

High school teacher
Understanding and Supporting Behaviour

I think having done the course I feel more positive in knowing that the way I already work with my students is the desired way to manage their behaviours anyway. I probably just feel more educated now and positive within myself.

Understanding and Supporting Behaviour

My knowledge and understanding has improved during this course and positively impacted my role as a classroom teacher. Reflecting upon my teaching practice helped me identify which elements of my pedagogy and the classroom environment pose difficulties for ASD students on a daily basis … Knowing now that focusing on what you are trying to assess, rather than the method of assessment is vital and personalised to the learner

Support teacher
Understanding Autism

This course has helped me to develop a deeper understanding of personalised learning and support and a more authentic ability to assess and plan for interventions.

School executive
Personalised Learning

The course highlighted for me that many of my current classroom procedures and supports will help any students with identified or unidentified speech and language problems. I have, through this course, developed my ideas and skills in supporting these students, by increasing my 'toolbox' of ideas.

Primary school teacher
Speech, Language and Communication Needs

My knowledge has improved throughout the course, and I have gained lots of practical knowledge such as websites, resources such as assessment sheets and notes which have been helpful... We learnt how language develops and were introduced to new terminology and elements of the language system.

Primary teacher
Dyspraxia and Motor Coordination Difficulties

I have realised: 1. how systematic an intervention must be 2. the importance of ideation, motor learning, execution and feedback 3. the crucial use of prompting through questioning to shape and refine these MC skills.

Primary teacher
Dyspraxia and Motor Coordination Difficulties

I have done a few online courses, but this has been the most comprehensive.

School executive
Understanding Autism

I have been exposed to a larger variety of each of the types of interventions. Again, having the relevance and reasons why we would choose certain interventions has been highlighted as being so important when supporting students with reading difficulties.

Support teacher
Dyslexia and Significant Difficulties in Reading

I feel that the knowledge gained on the subject of MCD has given me a level of confidence in meeting the needs of these students. Previously I sometimes assumed the student was lazy, distracted or not interested. I feel that my interventions would improve the performance and coordination of these students therefore preventing undesirable behaviours developing and increasing their self-esteem.

School excutive
Dyspraxia and Motor Coordination Difficulties

I have a better understanding of the motivations of children's behaviour. And I am able to look at the situations now more clearly.

Primary teacher
Understanding and Supporting Behaviour

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