Improving learner outcomes


Opening the School Gate | Planning meetings & events

Translating information

Providing all information in the primary language of the family, as well as in English, is a significant factor in the successful engagement of migrant families in schools (Learning Center Even Start, Fort Collins, CO). Many NSW Public School documents and school notes are available for schools to use free of charge.

School-specific translations need to be paid for by schools, however if dates and times are left blank and filled in as required, individual school translations can be used over and again for future meetings on the same topic.


A large number of DoE publications and documents have been translated into languages other than English. Check the resources tab for links.

Translation suggestions

Translations of important school information relevant to all or most schools are organised by DoE. If you wish to make suggestions about new translations please phone 9244 5311.

Requests for translations by individual schools

Translations for individual schools will only be funded in cases relating to urgent matters regarding student welfare. Funds are not available to translate documents such as school newsletters. To check if a proposed translation meets the guidelines for funding, telephone 9244 5311.

School funded translations

If schools wish to fund their own translations, advice on cost and how to prepare documents for translation can be obtained by phoning 9244 5311. While advice will be provided it should be noted that it is the school's responsibility to arrange the translation. Further information is also available on the DoE intranet site.

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